Itunes and OpenDNS or DNS
According to Joe Maller write this, it seems that you are using iTunes along with DNS to OpenDNS or Google is a bad idea.
In practice he was going to see an episode of a television series on its new Google TV and the estimated time for the download seemed to be about 2 hours. In the end the solution that allowed him to download everything in about 20 seconds was to change the DNS provider.
seems that iTunes uses a system of geo-location provided by Akamai that reasons based on which DNS server is used by the customer. Based on the DNS server is conveyed the request to the most 'appropriate'. Sin using OpenDNS or GoogleDNS you are using the dns moltoaffollati and that all requests go to the same server becomes very slow risking collapse. The Board of
Joe then is to use the DNS of your provider (Alice, Tiscali, TeleTu etc etc) so that we are heading for an Akamai server to download most definitely free.
ps while we're at 31.12 I would say GREETINGS!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Everybody Hates Chrisearth Wind And Fire
Last Minute Market
Last minute market is a company created by Andrea Segrè that deals with the redistribution of unsold products, but still perfectly usable. With more than 40 active projects in various Italian cities, is the intermediary between the public and private companies (such as hospitals, pharmacies, cafeterias, farms) and charitable institutions . Putting them in contact, provides advantages to both: the companies have less waste to dispose of bodies and more products free to be allocated for social purposes. Here's how it works ( WATCH THE VIDEO ) . Another major beneficiary of this exchange is the environment, and then all of us. Last Minute Market helps us to waste less and turn waste into resources to become eco- sustainable.
The association's motto is - SPR + ECO ( SCENIC VIEW THE CONFERENCE WITH Massimo Cirri ).
And you?
The association's motto is - SPR + ECO ( SCENIC VIEW THE CONFERENCE WITH Massimo Cirri ).
And you?
- Have you started your "fight the waste?
- In what way?
- await your advice to build more equitable world.
- Where do we start?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How To Find Citgo Gift Card Balance
ahi ahi Google Sky ... pe
bad day today for services: RAI Radio 2 this morning did not feel (at least here on Lake Maggiore), Skype now has no intention of running ... We are in good shape.
short by several hours which is practically the most popular VoIP telephony service al mondo ha seri problemi di funzionamento. La sua rete distribuita di computer che lo tengono in piedi, per un qualche diavolo di motivo legato a dei bachi in una non meglio specificata release del software è parzialmente crollata.
Dopo aver comunicato al mondo via Twitter (ironia della sorte) che in effetti molti avrebbero avuto problemi ma che stavano investigando circa le cause, ecco qui sotto la risposta più completa che l'azienda ha voluto dare al popolo di internet.
a short response pseudotecnopolitichese where they would like to give you the motivation to drink, but honestly I leave a bit 'with the feeling that something is missing.
However, a figure from chocolatiers like this right around the time that Skype is trying to make the jump with proposing Business services for businesses, certainly will not bring good results. So we hope that the new CEO stolen recently at Cisco Systems just to try to make the leap to Skype knows somehow soften the pill at the moment appears to be rather unpleasant. Cards (Christmas is ...)

short by several hours which is practically the most popular VoIP telephony service al mondo ha seri problemi di funzionamento. La sua rete distribuita di computer che lo tengono in piedi, per un qualche diavolo di motivo legato a dei bachi in una non meglio specificata release del software è parzialmente crollata.
Dopo aver comunicato al mondo via Twitter (ironia della sorte) che in effetti molti avrebbero avuto problemi ma che stavano investigando circa le cause, ecco qui sotto la risposta più completa che l'azienda ha voluto dare al popolo di internet.
Skype isn’t a network like a conventional phone or IM network – instead, it relies on millions of individual connections between computers and phones to keep things up and running. Some of these computers are what we call ‘supernodes’ – they act a bit like phone directories for Skype. If you want to talk to someone, and your Skype app can’t find them immediately (for example, because they’re connecting from a different location or from a different device) your computer or phone will first try to find a supernode to figure out how to reach them.
Under normal circumstances, there are a large number of supernodes available. Unfortunately, today, many of them were taken offline by a problem affecting some versions of Skype. As Skype relies on being able to maintain contact with supernodes, it may appear offline for some of you.
What are we doing to help? Our engineers are creating new ‘mega-supernodes’ as fast as they can, which should Gradually things return to normal. This May Take a Few hours, and we sincerely apologize for the disruption to your conversations. Some features, like video calling group, May Take Longer to return to normal.
a short response pseudotecnopolitichese where they would like to give you the motivation to drink, but honestly I leave a bit 'with the feeling that something is missing.
However, a figure from chocolatiers like this right around the time that Skype is trying to make the jump with proposing Business services for businesses, certainly will not bring good results. So we hope that the new CEO stolen recently at Cisco Systems just to try to make the leap to Skype knows somehow soften the pill at the moment appears to be rather unpleasant. Cards (Christmas is ...)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Is Avoderm Bad For Dogs?
as usual when I talk about the birth RAI with the controversy, but it seems that they do it on purpose.
But let's get the facts quickly: turn on the radio this morning as every morning and just feel a buzz. Certainly the weather did not help and the repeater must be "skipped". A queso
point I decide to go online and listen to the live webcast, so I go on the portal Radio2 and in plain sight is the button to listen live. The prize is a beautiful player with a schermatina e. .. I do not feel anything.
At this point there is a small link says ' troubleshooting ' from which I will inform you that for me that I use Linux (the poor cousin of the operating systems) if I want to have the opportunity to use the VLC with one of the links below: good news, too bad then the links are not clickable. CONGRATULATIONS!
Given the background we are finally in the subject of this post: Because I think it can to please everyone (including those using Windows) to listen to RAI radio through your favorite media player, it lists the channel you listened Clickable and above!
Radio 1:
Radio 2:
Radio 3:
Filodiffusione 4:
Filodiffusione 5:
Gr Parlamento:
Rai Italia Radio:
WebRadio WR6:
WebRadio WR7:
WebRadio WR8:
But let's get the facts quickly: turn on the radio this morning as every morning and just feel a buzz. Certainly the weather did not help and the repeater must be "skipped". A queso
point I decide to go online and listen to the live webcast, so I go on the portal Radio2 and in plain sight is the button to listen live. The prize is a beautiful player with a schermatina e. .. I do not feel anything.
At this point there is a small link says ' troubleshooting ' from which I will inform you that for me that I use Linux (the poor cousin of the operating systems) if I want to have the opportunity to use the VLC with one of the links below: good news, too bad then the links are not clickable. CONGRATULATIONS!
Given the background we are finally in the subject of this post: Because I think it can to please everyone (including those using Windows) to listen to RAI radio through your favorite media player, it lists the channel you listened Clickable and above!
Radio 1:
Radio 2:
Radio 3:
Filodiffusione 4:
Filodiffusione 5:
Gr Parlamento:
Rai Italia Radio:
WebRadio WR6:
WebRadio WR7:
WebRadio WR8:
Poptropica Cheat Infinite Credits
Ci siamo: anche quest'anno siamo arrivati a Natale, e tirando le somme a parte una stanchezza epocale direi che questo è stato un anno di grandi soddisfazioni e riconoscimenti.
Ne approfitto quindi per ringraziare tutti coloro che in un modo o nell'altro hanno dimostrato la loro amicizia e affetto e mi hanno aiutato in questo 2010 full of new features.
And this year a little musical gift: Ascoltatevi this beautiful Christmas compilation on Jamendo , the most important site of free music Internet landscape in the world.
Ne approfitto quindi per ringraziare tutti coloro che in un modo o nell'altro hanno dimostrato la loro amicizia e affetto e mi hanno aiutato in questo 2010 full of new features.
And this year a little musical gift: Ascoltatevi this beautiful Christmas compilation on Jamendo , the most important site of free music Internet landscape in the world.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What Is The Best Type Of Engineering To Go In To?
Calendar 2011 - Events
In the year 2011 will be held
a course open to all use of Clicker Training.
Registrations open (Silver Wolf - Erica Bardini - 349/4612515)
This means that you see above (sold in all pet stores) is a fixer of behavior.
This is a tool used in the method kind.
With it you can teach any work cosa al vostro cane.
Ma se usato in modo scorretto può causare danni, per questo sono a vostra disposizione per insegnarvelo in 5 incontri da fissare di volta in volta in base alla vostra disponibilità.
Iscrivetevi numerosi
- Stage di Educazione di Base domenica 27 marzo 2011 dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 18:00;
- Stage di Educazione di Base domenica 17 aprile 2011 dalle ore 15:00 alle 18:00.
In Stage 2 these topics will be: communicating with your dog, reinforcing the relationship, the game, the basic commands (sit, earth, and still call), the conduct at his side, do not pull leash, attention, and much more ... Subscriptions
a limited number (maximum 6 dogs)
For info and registration
Erica Bardini 349-4612515
Friday, December 10, 2010
Atopic Pregnancy Symptoms
A prank is a ' " wrongdoing, but not serious , done slyly and secretly, for the most tolerable and forgivable ".
Who among us has not done, least once in your life? The pranks are made especially home or school and the victims are usually parents, relatives or professors.
Children and adolescents are usually the perpetrators of large or small pranks. The mischief may be memorable, fun , excessive , innocent etc. and their effects may be more or less restrictive ( WATCH THE VIDEO ).
In Italy is a film released by Andrew Hunt, a professor and only 70 adolescents with phones. The title is Vedozero ( SITE GO TO WATCH THE TRAILER + ). This is not a story but many stories: confessions , stories, opinions e. .. pranks.
And you?
- You have to tell your pranks?
- When? Where? What?
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