Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stomachis Extended From Fibroid

Itunes and OpenDNS or DNS

According to Joe Maller write this, it seems that you are using iTunes along with DNS to OpenDNS or Google is a bad idea.
In practice he was going to see an episode of a television series on its new Google TV and the estimated time for the download seemed to be about 2 hours. In the end the solution that allowed him to download everything in about 20 seconds was to change the DNS provider.
seems that iTunes uses a system of geo-location provided by Akamai that reasons based on which DNS server is used by the customer. Based on the DNS server is conveyed the request to the most 'appropriate'. Sin using OpenDNS or GoogleDNS you are using the dns moltoaffollati and that all requests go to the same server becomes very slow risking collapse. The Board of
Joe then is to use the DNS of your provider (Alice, Tiscali, TeleTu etc etc) so that we are heading for an Akamai server to download most definitely free.

ps while we're at 31.12 I would say GREETINGS!


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