Monday, January 31, 2011

Jcpenney Hair Salon Price



Flyball born in 1970 in California. This little-known discipline in Italy is also very rooted in Britain, Belgium, Holland, Australia and Canada.
Flyball is a relay race which is based on running speed and dogs on a pinpoint accuracy of the conductors. Each team consists of a minimum of 4 pairs of dog-handler to a maximum of 6, of which an employee at the box and a captain. The dogs that compete in the relay must be provided with bibs.

Running the race (run by a bright light and an electronic control system of trade and time measurement) takes place on the challenge of two teams that compete in parallel for a distance of about 18 meters, where dogs have to face four obstacles, get on the machine shoots balls on the fly and retrieve the ball, hold it in your mouth and face backward path.
Only when the dog crosses the starting line-back show, the second dog can cross the line and in doing so until all team members will not have made the journey.
The challenge will end when all members of the two teams have faced the path correctly. The winning team will be determined by what will get the best time to run without errors.
jumps that dogs will have to jump a height of 10 cm less than the height of the smaller dog that participates in the relay. For example, if a team we have 3 dogs and a 50 cm high 40 cm high, all 4 will jump to 30 cm.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Divorce Attorney Suing Me

the Mexican border and catapult the marija

In the world of digital everything, and then fully traceable drug traffickers have also realized that the method "pizzino" with its medieval is not so to throw away. So the border between Mexico and the U.S. have been found a catapult : yes you read correctly, a catapult.

The National Guard on the border with Arizona, has found the thing with the cameras placed close to the surveillance of safety nets. The catapult of about 3 meters in height was placed on a trailer towed by an SUV a few meters from the border.

When police arrived on the spot Mexican traffickers had already fled, leaving all the equipment. According to investigators of Sonora was the catapult capable of launching about 2 kg of marijuana at a time. On the spot were also found 35 pounds of "product" ready to literally take flight.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Own Bulletproof Vest Illegal

Facebook Killed Second Life

I am not clear how, but at some point it occurred to me "Second Life". You remember them you Second Life? I really do not, tonight is the first volta in vita mia che ne apro la homepage. Ne avevo sempre sentito parlare, avevo letto molto di questo mondo virtuale rifugio di tutti gli scontenti della vita reale ma mai mi ci ero avvicinato. Mi viene in mente che 3 o 4 anni fa un cliente che si sentiva in vena di innovazione aziendale mi chiese un parere circa una possibile "discesa in campo". Dopo aver letto che alcune grandi aziende, tipo Telecom, Eni e altre avevano aperto una loro filiale in Second Life si sentiva in obbligo di apprire anche lui una sede "oltre cortina".
Gli avevo espresso le mie perplessità ed ero stato guardato con quel misto di compiangimento con cui ti guardano quelli che si sentono dei grandi manager. Per fortuna alla fine mi diede retta e non apri' un bel niente.

Going back to 2011 I was wondering, but who Second Life if you shit in 2011? (Excuse the French, but I did not know how else to say).
Although I do not love even Facebook, I must admit that at least this has got it right. Instead of going to look unlikely worlds in which to express all their expectations Zuckerberg understood that people want to somehow amplify their emotions sensation of continuity between the digital world and the real world.
So now a growing percentage of Internet users do not survive if it does not at least 3 or 4 times to control his possessions on Facebook, the evolution of his "friends", cows to be milked in Farmville and décor of your house Pet Society then talk to the bar in the living rooms of friends or dinner at a pizzeria.
One thing I wonder: Now Facebook is listed for 500milamigliardiditrigliardididollari, and why? Why all these people are perfect profile to make the 'potential' buyers. Customers of all. In short, not a publicly traded company for its corporate assets, for its productions, for customers that choose: the fee is for what could be the case.
This reminds me of a specific period where assessments were made exactly along the same lines: do you remember them 90 years of the New Economy boom? (Certainly remember them, that mmale ouch!). I think here we go again: new speculation on what might be but then that probably will not, at least in terms that would have us believe.

Symptoms Of Stone Lodged In Urethra

Marchionne du du du

What I would almost say "legendary" Tony Troy, gives us another of his satirical songs. Good divertissment

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bump Around Genitals That Leak

5 types of customers that would be better to avoid

I never do, but this time I must say that I have to change a comma on this nice article by Titian Leaf: How to recognize the 5 types of customers that are best avoided.
I will only list the types egger then go to the original article
  • Il pescatore
  • Il Mimo
  • L'illuso
  • Il Coniuge
  • Lo spilorcio
Non penso siano in ordine di importanza, e almeno per me non lo sono.
buona lettura

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can I Use Makeup With My Efudex

Ce l'ho, ce l'ho, celo, celo, celo. Mi manca!!!

Chi, @ as a child, he never made a collection of figurines ? And, normally, those figures were brand Sandwiches. Maybe someone continues to collect today, perhaps with the excuse of the collection of children ...
The collection is one of the most popular players but there are all kinds, especially related to the success of television programs for children.
Exchanging figurine is a beautiful game. In Italy the children repeat the 'hypnotic chant "celo celo celo celo ..." interrupted by the magic formula "I miss him!" . It is the expression that indicates the joy of having found a figure that does not have. This phrase means that there are less cards for complete our collection.
Now begin trading . The price varies depending on the rarity of the figure or other reasons that children and collectors know very well.
Today things are changing. The kids perform on the internet duplication who want to exchange and trade are carried out electronically ( WATCH THE VIDEO ).
This year Sandwiches celebrates 50 years of the collection of players and a number of initiatives are planned.
Visit the site to find out the history of self-adhesive stickers and other curiosities.
  • Have you ever had a collection of action figures? What / who?
  • some Have you ever completed? What / who?
  • What were the figures most valuable / rare?
  • And now?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kidney Stone At The Ureterovesical Junction

Some stimulus technician

In effetti alle volte capita che uno si sieda davanti al computer con una voglia di qualcosa... di nuovo (Ambrogiooo). Allora mi sono detto: perchè non condividere qualcuno dei siti tecnologici che spesso consulto per sapere "cosa bolle in pentola"?
OMG! Ubuntu! è, come si capisce dal nome stesso, un sito che tratta quasi only the world that revolves around the now well-known GNU / Linux Ubuntu. This site often discussing what new is happening, ideas that move and then find that with good chances in future versions of our beloved penguin: But in addition to the news there are also many tips on new and interesting programs that we always wanted but did not even exist. Of course you should not get carried away with OMG Ubuntu, because otherwise all the antics that we certainly offer a great disaster will combine at the system level.

Even Make Tech Easier is a site with a name very significant. Make Tech Easier, ovvero Rendere la Tecnologia più Semplice (ma in italiano non suona così bene). Questo sito a differenza di OMG Ubuntu è un sito meno schierato e come si intuisce dalla grafica del banner si rivolge invece indifferentemente agli utenti Linux, Mac, Windows, Iphone o Android. Gli articolisti sono molto preparati e i commenti che si trovano in fondo ai singoli post sono spesso altrettanto interessanti che l'articolo stesso. INsomma una comunità di ottimo livello con articoli interessanti, semplici e ben fatti.
Per ora mi fermo qui, e vi ricordo che se con l'inglese fate un po' fatica c'è sempre la possibilità di farsi tradurre il sito da Google Translate. Magari non sarà perfetto ma sempre meglio che non capirci un accidente.
Below are two links ready to click to a reading in "Italian."
OMG! Ubuntu!
Make Tech Easier

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Desnudos En Television

Mama wants us to girlfriend ... And you

Lately the weather has cleared for the blog, but a minute to Captain is always tense. For technical cues and the news hit and run but there's always Twitter .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anna Griffin Wedding Invitations Target

I botti di Capodanno

The beautiful fireworks or New Year's Eve Pops ( WATCH THE VIDEO) who kidnap children and adults so as to fit them with a nose for some time forgetting the cold, food, music, games and increasing competition among neighbors ( "winner" who shoots a bang louder) every year because of deaths and injuries throughout Italy. The problem is the fact that in Italy, took the euphoria of the party, not only legal to shoot the barrels that can be purchased at tobacco shops but they use real guns loaded with bullets that are always used to go hit neighbors home or family. Nothing seems to rely on the orders of the mayors of major provinces that promote seizures and bans of hazardous and illegal fireworks in the days before New Year's Eve.

And you?

  • shoot the fireworks for New Year's Eve?
  • know someone who gets picked up by the euphoria of the party and causes some accident?
  • as could be done to prevent tragedies?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cervix At 7 Weeks Pregnant

of which Linux are you?

you plan to install linux but not sure where to start? You've already done but in the end you like the idea (as has happened to me) to see if the choice you have done is 'right'?
So without hesitation I would go and do a ride on the site Zegenie Studio to see what Linux distribution is right for you.
These gentlemen, unless it is one that does things from his kitchen, they put together a kind of survey with a few simple questions will make an assessment of your skills and will enable you to choose the version of Linux There is more suited.
Yeah, looking more closely it seems that only the head is a cabin at the Zegenie Studios: André Daniel Eikeland this.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Boneless Chicken Netting

The bishop and religious freedom

well I heard the news on the radio and I said that I was not quite right to me much, but this evening I found the title roam the pages of the online "Corrierun" so I decided to write at least these two lines.
short: I do not see much consistency between the organizing and participating in a demonstration for the freedom of religious expression and then declare that you do not accept the presence of representatives of the Muslim church. Of course we are all equal, but someone here is "more equal than others."
Dear lord, it is also thanks to attitudes like these where we can witness to massacres like the one in Egypt yesterday's regrettable. No matter what they are, the fundamentalists are wrong and that closing it certainly is not good. It is the large institutions that should be the first to set an example if we hope that someone will then follow. Good lord ....