Qualcuna di voi probabilmente si sarà già imbattuta nel Peanuts party che ho organizzato per mia sorella e che è stato pubblicato da Cyd di The Sweetest Occasion !E allora ecco qualche altra foto per voi...
Some of you may already came across the Peanuts Party I planned for my sister Which Was featured on Cyd's The Sweetest Occasion! And so here I have for you some more pics ...
Fabiola My sister is a big fan of Peanuts strips, and so for her birthday at a party I thought it made it feel a little 'Sally (his favorite). To do that I asked for help to the sweet Suze, who has created for my sister a stationery inspired by the cartoon in black and white with a touch of color.
My sister Fabiola's Peanut is a great fan so I thought It Would Have Been nice to celebrate with her her favorite characters. And so I started by Asking Suze's help ... she created a lovely stationery inspired to the comic strips, with black and white Some color touches.

And of course I shall play around with setting up and sweet: peanuts in all forms, and exhale sweet, served in bowls for dogs (besides, how could I not celebrate Snoopy), themed boxes, a small box for e-paper and DIY Favors as the boxes with the shapes of various characters.
And I Obviously Had a lot of fun with sweet treats and settings: peanuts in all of their forms, saly and sweet, served in dog's plates (I wanted to celebrate Snoopy some way), themed boxes, a little diy paper mail box and as favors Peanuts shaped little gift boxes.
Se volete rifare a casa vostra questi deliziosi cupcakes al cioccolato e arancia trovate la ricetta sempre qui su The Sweetest Occasion !
If you want to try these delicious chocolate and orange cucpcakes at home you can find the recipe over at The Sweetest Occasion as well.
E per finire, la torta!:)
And finally the cake!
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