In the first 50 minutes the three characters who populate the story, or the policeman Pharaon, the neighbor and her boyfriend Joseph Domino, seem to be the repetition of the previous film in the adult kids. Their lives are approximately 3 una sola avente come comun denominatore quello della noia, delle gite alla spiaggia in una giornata fredda, del sesso che è solo sesso senza il minimo sentimento.
Anche il paesaggio urbano è identico a La vie de Jésus con quelle strade deserte, percorse questa volta da silenziose biciclette invece che da roboanti motorini, e casette tutte omologate visivamente monotone come l’esistenza di chi le abita.
Bruno Dumont riprende dunque le fila del suo esordio, ma questo è solo il punto di partenza.
La crescita fra i due film, che per molti potrebbe anche essere considerata una decrescita, sta nell’ offrire allo spettatore una pellicola che abbandona l’idea di farsi mezzo-denuncia, per also totally in the folds, already quite obvious two years ago, the auteur cinema.
The assassination on sexual violence against a child is the MacGuffin that the French use to baste a story that will never touch the canonical procedures of investigation, going instead to deal psychologically with the "stuff" that gives the title of the film, but rather focus on his presence, shows a worrying absence.
Or rather, the title is so brachilogico concrete measure in the main character, an extremely modest actor Emmanuel Schotte that it was only in this film and nowhere else. He, a small man, so, lifted from the earth that embraces and grows with love, fascinated by nature that extends beyond the windows, refusing to accept the pubic Domino sbattutogli in the face, a man so insignificant place in a village even more miserable, the nucleus contains a treasure of inestimable value the result of a path of suffering (the death of his beloved and his daughter) and mutual alienation (him farther and farther away from the others, and others farther and farther away from him), that make it a Figure merciful, compassionate, biblical.
The candidates overall, almost two and a half hours for the uncut version, does not facilitate the use of a film like this where Dumont, like many past and contemporary masters also, (e) draws a veil on the history in which anesthesia is apparent that what has been called by critics a "certain intellectual pedantry." But artistic perspective
Humanity has a considerable size since the author's intention is to propose in today a man almost messianic able to redeem the world, in this case a small community, which But you can imagine has universal value.
So the commitment of the director in wanting to build such a history, and the viewer must enter the order of ideas that this film is NOT a survey the death of a child, converge in one direction: the cinema of Dumont, which is as indigestible to be addressed.
And finally, maybe, we'll smile in the police-Pharaon as Golgotha, handcuffed for the good of humanity in disarray. Although it is true that God became man to save us, now it is time to return the favor.
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