Sure, we could point to several times the index to the working of Øvredal, but these are matters on which we must defer lanacaprinesche because, damn it!, This film shows us the great palaces of trolls, troll ugly and smelly, troll mangiano pecore, troll che sgranocchiano esseri umani, troll che distruggono, dormono e scoreggiano… in una parola: una figata! Grazie ad una mission più leggera e scanzonata rispetto ad altri docu-fake a loro modo comunque meritevoli (mi riferisco a streghe nel bosco e simil-zombi spagnoli), The Troll Hunter (2010) conquista con facilità irrisoria l’attenzione di chi guarda grazie all’oggetto preso in esame che gira al largo del classico bestiario fantastico, soprattutto per noi popolazioni latine, suscitando curiosità verso questi Gremlins troppo cresciuti e riducendoci a bambini che vogliono sapere appesi alle labbra di un cantastorie armato di cannone fotonico Ghostbusters-style, come nelle fables: and then what happens? And then, what next?. This singer is outlined in the best way, hard and silent - remember the James Wood Vampires (1998), well I hope so! - A man lies in the right place at the proper circumstance superheroism but devoid of stars and stripes, in short: a great, however how to define a guy so that to attract one of the brutes shot once out of the jeep religious songs, because should be recalled, the troll smell the smell of those who believe in God (genius)? Character
guessed right in then, and even the container mockumentary, on balance, appears to be satisfactory for the capacity that has not too explicit content and to offer remnants of slight tension when you are shooting excited. And then there
be noted that the environments are really fabulous (the whole thing was shot in the fjords scattered on the Atlantic side of Norway), with unspoilt scenery of crystalline beauty that have placed a strain on the actors because of the strict climate.
Under the double-D: defective and fun, but it is the writer's conviction that will ultimately prevail, the second characteristic, and so.
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