Attraverso Hegarty il regista parigino Sébastien Lifshitz delinea quelli che saranno i temi di Wild Side (2004); una storia torbida con piacevoli impressioni di sincerità in cui il transessuale Stéphanie si reca al capezzale della madre morente nella casetta di campagna insieme ai due fidanzati: un bestione russo ex pugile e un ragazzo immigrato che si vende nei cessi della stazione.
Il passaggio dalla metropoli parigina ai verdi campi sovrastati dall’azzurro cielo mette a nudo le situazioni problematiche dei tre individui. Se fino a quel momento la città li aveva come protetti – all’inizio sono così allegri nel loro appartamento – la nuova location, sempre anticipata by the excellent revival of a long and deserted by way 'of waiting (perhaps a mention in The Age restless , 1997), evokes ghosts dormant.
The looming presence of death and also bulky form of his dying mother shakes the fragile foundations of a triple bond based on a fleeting feeling, where the protagonists nevertheless indicate infinite love go to bed with men for money.
That's the difficult relationship between Stephanie and her mother comes to a showdown, and even cascading the Russian and the boy will have to contend with several deals in abeyance on their families. However, in this path of "self-analysis" the trans and the kid will continue to live their precarious existence made up of gray sex in exchange for cash while the boxer will continue to accept the situation as evidence of the trio embarked on a road from which there seems to be back, so that the end will still be embraced (/ clinging) to each other on a train for whatever destination.
In a counterpoint, but without destabilizing the overall result too, there is the nature of the film is far from being programmatic. You do not have a building or its destruction of the bond between the performers, everything is frozen, immobile, so that this triangle is essentially unchanged from the beginning at the end of the film. And proceeding to more tears than through a continuous flow, Lifshitz flaw in some repetition on the edge of complacency with numerous erotic adventures of the characters on the screen, arriving, finally, a bit 'of irony, to idealize his movies with the guy who Stéphanie pay to see having sex.
The commitment of the two male actors is commendable, and as such are able to pass on their veracity be so spontaneous, there is still a few question about the coldness of Stéphanie Michelini the square jaw. Ultimately
Wild Side is an interesting twist that the film despite some imperfection is the difficult tema dell’omosessualità grazie ad un gusto estetico ed anche contenutistico.
Distribuito da noi in dvd.
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