Today torment you some more 'with Valentine's Day, but I promise that is the last post on the subject ... I, however, show the tiny coffee table (IKEA) cakes I made for Hubby!
Today I am going to torture a little more with Valentines Day, But I do promise it's the last post on the topic ... you know, I just wanted to show you the tiny tiny dessert table sets for Hubby!

Tanti cuoricini, rosa e rosso... e la sua torta di mele preferita, dei cupcakes con sorpresa, marshmallows e biscotti.
Lots of hearts, pink and red... and his favorite apple pie, surprise cupcakes, marshmallows and cookies.

also joined her gift for separate (I'll show you tomorrow), with the bearings purchased from Packs Paradiso, Suze of the note and a big heart-shaped balloon! You should have seen his face when he came home and saw everything! And I was even happier!
I Also put His gift in the setting (I am going to show you it tomorrow!), Together with Packaging Paradise tiny pillows, Suze's card and a heart shaped balloon! He Was so happy to find all this things When He Came back home and I was the Happiest Because of the smile on His face!
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