I think this time we do it ..

L'incarnazione migliore vista fino ad oggi era Elive che aveva dimostrato come con poche risorse si poteva avere davvero un desktop agile e al contempo completo. Peccato che Elive abbia deciso di seguire un principio di distribuzione che ne ha di fatto dettato la morte prima della stessa nascita. Per usare Elive bisogna o accontentarsi di usarlo in modalità 'live' (quindi senza installazione) oppure per quanto poco bisogna pagarlo (minimo 15 US$). Ovviamente non ho mai avuto voglia di spendere 15$ per provare a vedere se il sistema era davvero utilizzabile o se i difetti erano ancora tali da non consigliarne l'uso giornaliero. I mean no one likes to do the beta testers for a fee.
controversial post I have read many of the founders of Elive who say the project would not exist if there were no economic returns, and then they'll also let you have a free system where you have the desire to be writing some form of review, which will evaluate them, to give you the activation codes.
Well, after venting to Elive, then we are talking about Linux Bodhi, the new 'baby' by Jeff Hoogland who is putting heart and soul into this new project. Carryover from
Blog Jeff :
Not even three months ago Bodhi Linux Was Nothing More Than A thought in my mind. Today Bodhi is a thriving young project. If Have you visited or seen Lately page Our team Our news posts then you know Our Small Team Has Been steadily growing.
Bodhi even three months ago, Linux was just a thought in my mind. Today Bhody is a young and flourishing project. If you happen to visit our web site or blog you'll notice that our little team is steadily growing.
So Jeff's enthusiasm is affecting many of the users and developers by demonstrating that the approach has in things. Projects such as Linux or Bodhi Lubuntu also are showing that there is a hunger major distributions 'read' and at the same time usable also by fanatical users of technology. For my part I set
Bodhi Linux on old laptop and when Cristina is that she is happy with the performance. Also here in the shop I wanted to do the test with one of the computers of the Internet point to see where I could push.
Here the situation was a bit 'more complicated because it needed to install Openoffice.org, printing support, full support for the codec, the burning software and a host of other little things. Eventually things were more complex to activate the functionality of printing and understand that in reality I had to install Openoffice install the new LibreOffice: the rest was just takes a little 'time to work on Synaptic.
now in store There are a couple of computers that are powered Bodhi to full throttle even doing ringalluzzire old P4 with only 512MB of RAM.
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