Fatigue engine filled the silence between the three persons in the car until Walter Mazarin did not utter a polite "You still here too, thanks." They paid the taxi driver who walked away with some relief, and the two were still floating in a sea of \u200b\u200bpitch squeaks inhabited by elusive. Clara Mazarin took a flashlight from her purse and pointed it at the edge of the road.
'A bit more to the right - the voice accompanied by her husband - that's right there! "
The halo fell on a narrow path that was lost in the dark woods, the woman took the man's arm and together they penetrated into that void.
As they proceeded, the trail became more and more subtle until it disappeared altogether in a small plain covered with ferns as high as one meter. Mr. Mazzarino took a few steps in the bushes and asked his wife to wrap the stack point to him.
"It should be here ..."
"Are you sure dear? Have you counted the steps? "
" Yes, I just hope I remember well. "The bells of an owl pointed out that last sentence.
Then the man began to rip off the placid fern roots thin but tough. When sufficient space is freed, Ms. Mazzarino illuminated the circle of the earth mackerel, at which point the man sighed and sank all his ninety fingers in moist soil that revealed a myriad of crazy white worms. And more than throwing away handfuls of earth, most go back in time, to the caverns of memory where the first 73 years harbored the memory of a spring day where both Walter and Clara lost her virginity in that place at that time was still a clear sunny .
The torch began to cough, at times light Mazzarino Clara saw her husband fall in love throw handfuls of earth into space.
"Still nothing?"
"Maybe ..." The battery stopped working at that moment. Calo darkness more thick that amplify every sound: a cricket walking on a dry leaf looked like a giant. The wind stirred distracted countless ferns in a synchronous dance careless swung to the left.
"Maybe ... I feel something ..."
"My God!" He covered his mouth Clara.
Walter Mazarin stood up with the weariness of old, stood still and then asked his wife if she felt. She said no, and so the man took the woman's ear, his hand that held something dirty ground.
"It seems like a breath, a beat, maybe." She Clara.
"A beat." He repeated Walter.
“E ora cosa ne vuoi fare?”
“Lo sotterro di nuovo, è stato lì per 75 anni.”
“73.” Lo corresse lei.
Lui sorrise.
La torcia elettrica riprese magicamente a funzionare e i due si incamminarono di nuovo lungo il sentiero. Una volta giunti sulla strada videro le luci tremolanti della città in fondo alla valle e il signor Mazzarino disse: “Hai visto? Avevo ragione io, siamo ancora innamorati.”
La signora lo baciò sulla guancia e, ancora una volta insieme, cominciarono a discendere il monte.
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